Why is work-life balance important
If you commute, work from home, or work part-time, you must know how to maintain a work-life balance. This is important not only for your health and wellbeing but also for your overall productivity. Layboard.in presents a few tips for you.
What are life and work balances?
Working from 9 to 5 p.m. is slowly becoming irrelevant. Past generations may have considered work the most crucial thing in life, but today we have become more aware of the relationship between work and health. In addition, there is a growing awareness of the importance of personal fulfillment in one’s life. The concept of “work/life balance” (sometimes also abbreviated WLB) speaks for itself: it is a feeling of harmony between career and family life, the absence of conflict between the two. For example, if you work overtime, you may have a conflict between work and family, in which you cannot perform your duties equally well at work and family. This means that there is no balance between your work and personal life.
Typically, when people talk about achieving work-life balance, they are talking about a work schedule that does not require them to sacrifice their time for longer work hours. Yet, creating this balance is often critical to employee wellbeing and superior organizational culture.
Why is life and work balance so important?
Everyone wants more time to do what they love, so isn’t pursuing an optimal work-life balance simply self-defeating? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Achieving work-life balance has proven extremely important to office workers’ and freelancers’ mental and even physical health. Lack of such a balance can lead to what is known as “emotional burnout,” which the World Health Organization defines as follows
“…A syndrome recognized as the result of chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed…feelings of mental or physical exhaustion; increased mental detachment from work or feelings of negativism or cynicism associated with work; decreased professional effectiveness.
Emotional burnout is becoming increasingly common, causing employees to lose motivation and effectiveness. Unfortunately, it also leads to heart disease, high blood pressure, and various types of diabetes. So put, being under constant stress is wrong for both employees and businesses.
Employees who have an excellent work-life balance increase company productivity and reduce conflict between colleagues and management through increased motivation and lower stress levels.
Tips for work balance
Achieving a healthy work-life balance depends on taking a personal stance on the issue and acting in the right direction. Below are some tips to help you make sure that you and your work team are on the path to harmonizing your life:
Be aware of the importance of balance
You’d be surprised to learn that quality work-life balance is what people want most. A recent study found that employees are willing to be paid less in a company that treats them more humanly. Putting aside personal circumstances is a pretty big concession. Nevertheless, it is a clear indicator that people no longer view work as an essential thing in their lives just as a means to secure a certain standard of living. What does this mean for you and your team? Your colleagues need to know that you are looking after their interests and wellbeing in the office and at home.
Stop calling it balance
When it comes to work-life conflict, the idea of viewing balance not as a delicate balance but in terms of life as a whole is gaining popularity. So, for example, don’t assume that sending a few work emails over the weekend automatically deprives your weekend of ‘free time. Similarly, don’t assume that taking a break during the workday implies that you’re not working.